Woolren | Phase Modulation Matrix

Woolren is an advanced phase and filter programmer designed for intricate sound design exploration. Equipped with a complex toolset of modulators and a built-in 8-step sequencer, Woolren can transform your input audio into complex spectrums of oscillating sounds.

Woolren features a multi-chained filter with up to 64 all-pass filter stages. Each control has its own dedicated LFO, allowing for precise manipulation of phase and filter shifting. From slow, sweeping ambiences to rapidly phase-shifting tremolos, Woolren enhances any sound with subtle nuances or vast, space effects. 

Additionally, Woolren includes an 8-step modulation sequencer that can be tempo-synced to your host for tight rhythmic effects and filterings. Refer to the control descriptions below for more details.


Woolren Controls Explained

FILTER — Controls the frequency of the filters. This is the center frequency of the notch of the first allpass filter in the series. This frequency is used as the base frequency from which the frequencies of the other notches are derived.

ORDER (4, 16, 32, 64) — The number of allpass 2nd-order filters in series

WIDTH — Bandwidth of each notch. Higher values result in narrow notches. A width between 0.5 and 1 results in the strongest "phasing" effect, but higher values can be used for special effects.

FEEDBACK — Amount of the output which is fed back into the input of the allpass chain. With larger amounts of feedback, more prominent notches appear in the spectrum of the output.

DISTANCE — Scaling factor used to determine the frequencies of the additional notches in the output spectrum.

SPACE — Adjusts the reverberation time or the size of the virtual space. Higher values result in a longer reverb tail, making the sound feel more spacious and distant. 

DAMP — Affects the damping or absorption of high frequencies in the reverb. Higher damping values result in a darker reverb sound, as high frequencies are attenuated more quickly.

BLEND –  Adjusts the mix between the dry (unprocessed) and wet (processed) audio signals. Higher values result in more of the processed signal being blended with the dry signal, creating a more pronounced effect.


MOD SHAPE — Selects the modulation waveform for the respective control. The options include:

TRI: Triangle wave for smooth, linear modulation.

SAW: Sawtooth wave for rising or falling modulation patterns.

SQR: Square wave for abrupt on/off modulation.

RND: Random modulation for unpredictable changes in distance.

MOD SPEED — Adjusts the speed of the modulation for the respective control. Higher values result in faster modulation rates, creating rapid changes in the parameter. Lower values slow down the modulation, resulting in more gradual changes.

MOD AMOUNT – Sets the depth of the modulation for the respective control. Higher values result in more pronounced modulation, with the perceived parameter changing over a wider range. Lower values create subtler modulation effects.

SELF/SYNC — When set to "SELF" Woolren's step sequencer progresses on its own while tempo synced to the host BPM. When set to "SYNC", Woolren's step sequencer will only progress when the host transport is running. It will reset to the beginning of the sequence each time the host transport commences. TL;DR: SELF runs on its own, SYNC makes it run only while your host is playing.

SEQUENCER DESTINATION (OFF, FILT, DIST, BLEND) — Assign which parameter the step sequencer affects, or set it to OFF.

SEQ RATE (1/2, 1, 1.5, 2) — Adjust how fast the sequencer progresses — half notes, quarter notes, dotted quarter notes or eighth notes.

• OSX 10.8 or Windows 10 x64 (Puremagnetik Plugins run as M1/2 Native)
• Audio Units or VST/VST3 compatible audio host