Puremagnetik is pleased to release Small Winters, an idiosyncratic looper inspired by tape collage and microsound.
The Small Winters plugin comes with the album Small Winters by Taylor Deupree and is available now through Puremagnetik on Bandcamp.
Small Winters loops up to 12 seconds of incoming audio that you can record onto 3 separate tracks. Each track can have independent modulating loop points that travel across the recording's duration, producing creative phrases and textures that can take on a life of their own.
Beyond recording modulations, each track in Small Winters can be pitch shifted and bussed to a tape-age effect or routed to a granular dissection effect with spectral blurring. The device also allows overdubbing on each track so you can build more than three phrases that dynamically interact.
Small Winters also includes:
• EQ section modeled after the Tascam Portastudio 4-track series
• A band-pass filter with variable bandwidth selector
• Pitch-shifting common intervals up and down 2 octaves.
• Recording "Drop" — assign a probability to the rate of recording dropouts (higher = fewer dropouts)
• X-Talk — crosstalk between tracks. As X-talk increases track "bleed" into each other much like on a classic tape machine.
• Print — Bounce audio to a rendered recording.
Get both the album and the plug-in (included in the album download) for $8, or name-your-price.
Minimum Requirements
• OSX 10.8 or Windows 10 x64
• Audio Units or VST compatible audio host