10.16.21 | Variations for Dusk 001

10.16.21 | Variations for Dusk 001

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Brooklyn music label Puremagnetik and Hi-Fi Provisions present the next edition of Variations for Dusk — a monthly program that highlights a diverse lineup of artists practicing musique concrète, jazz, experimental and ambient music.

The Larum Ensemble will kick off the series with the music of Hildegard von Bingen arranged for woodwinds and modular synthesizer. BlankFor.ms and Philadelphia trio Hotel Neon will continue the evening with sets of ambient guitar washes, synthesized landscapes and analog tape hauntology.

All attendees must show proof of Covid-19 vaccination.

Date and Time
October 16th, 2021
Hi-fi Provisions - 237 36th Street, Brooklyn, NY
7 - 10pm

Tickets available for purchase at:
Admission: $15

Additional links
Puremagnetik (puremagnetik.com)
BlankFor.ms (instagram.com/blankfor.ms/)
Hotel Neon (hotelneonmusic.com)