Help and FAQs

Help & FAQs

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My email is not recognized when I try to login.

Where do I download my files?

Why is Kontakt Player running Puremagnetik content in “Demo Mode”?

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I already purchased some products from Puremagnetik. Where can I re-download those?

Pack Downloads & Century Questions

Where do I download my monthly products?

I'm a Century customer, where do I download my stuff?

I bought a Bandcamp album with a plugin and cannot find it.

My downloads are broken or keep timing out.

My account does not show all of the products I have purchased.

I have exceeded my download limits. Help!

File Formats, Plugins, Installation Troubleshooting

In Windows, my host (Cubase, Machine, FL Studio etc) does not recognize or play the VST.

Do Puremagnetik Packs work with my format?

Do Puremagnetik Packs work with Live Intro?

How do I Install Live Packs?

How do I load Puremagnetik Kontakt instruments? Why don't they show up in the library?

Ableton Live error : The preset cannot be loaded. It is probably broken.

Where do I find Puremagnetik Sounds in Logic?

I installed a VST but it does not show up in Windows.

Can I use Puremagnetik plugins in Pro Tools?

Are Puremagnetik products M1 Silicon Compatible?

Billing and Payments

I accidentally made a double purchase.

I think I was charged on a date I don't recognize.

How do I cancel my monthly plan?

Other Questions

What kind of license do I get with Puremagnetik sounds? Can I use them in a commercial product?

Are you hiring?

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