April's Best Ambient on Bandcamp : Into a Bright Land
Larum's Into a Bright Land was recently reviewed as one of April's best new Ambient releases on Bandcamp.
The fourth album from American musician Micah Frank, Into a Bright Land, is an exploration into California’s natural landscape. Opener “Pictures From Iceland” is a seven-minute drone track; it sets the tone for the album, a rich mix filled with scattered synth overtones. As the album progresses, though, many elements appear that make evident Frank’s willingness to push his sound into unexpected places. For me, that makes Into a Bright Land all the more profound an experience. Whether it’s the sudden harmonies and beautifully crisp distortion in “Papery Deathfuls” or the manufactured strings and sudden swerve into creepy atmosphere in “A Cracked Horizon,” Frank’s unconventional creative decisions only impact the listen positively. Across the album, synth pads, prolonged and reverberant, feel almost independent from the artist’s control—much like the wild places Frank hopes to capture. Ari Delaney, Bandcamp